On 12th October 2019, Studio Enne celebrated its 20th anniversary. The event took place in the wonderful 16th century Ducal Palace of Villa Ravaschieri in Roccapiemonte, a small town in the province of Salerno where Studio Enne spent the first 15 of its 20 years of activity. Not a self-congratulatory event, but the occasion to send out an important message: the choice of a company that believed and actively contributed in the development of a Flexo For Nature.

Lights go down in the ancient Barrels Hall. A spotlight illuminates a grand piano. And to the tune of Einaudi, Pianist Antonio Luca Bove accompanies the introductory message of the event: “Have you ever asked yourselves what is success?”. These words serve as an incipit to the opening video that, in a crescendo of emotions, tells a story involving everyone present.

Introduced by Lucio Pierri, leading figures in the sector take part in the event. DUPONT Marketing Manager EMEA Balaji Srinivasan and ESKO Vice President Sales EMEA Eddy Fadel underline Studio Enne’s contribution in DUPONT Research & Development, as well as its success for being the first in Europe to achieve the ESKO quality certification on a Fast system for the wide-web. Finally, Major of Roccapiemonte Carmine Pagano and Councillor for the Environment Annabella Ferrentino stress Studio Enne’s strong engagement for the environment.

The show goes on alternating live sessions of Neapolitan and international music; then finally concludes with an emotional video where Studio Enne tells its own story. A story started from the boldness and obstinacy of two young people who believed in their dream to build a Flexo company For Nature.

This is the most moving moment of the entire event. A simple story, made by simple people who are passionate for their work and who have been able to transmit a positive message about a sustainable future in harmony with Nature. And the Wonders of Nature are the main protagonists of the closing video, that bursts in the hall by surprise with a solo violin, as the applause fades.