For 20 years now, We have been working side by side with our clients by providing graphic solutions able to combine creativity and technique. We offer our support in all stages of the production prcess - from product naming and graphic design to printing and packaging.
Anna's creative talent and Vincenzo's technical expertise have brought innovation and development in this sector, by revolutioizing in particular the sugar packaging market. Here at Studio Enne, We have created original sugar brands - such as Linea - and innovative products, such as our transparent sugar packets, our puzzle packets and all related collectible lines, where creativity and technique go hand in hand to create successful packaging.

“As a Designer, I can say that my experience in the flexographic sector has completely revolutionized my approach to packaging. For me, flexography has always ben the link between the creative idea and the finished product. I believe packaging is a great means of communication, which attracts an increasingly demanding clientele. In my years of experience, I discovered that the more I treat a project as something personal, the more successful it will be. I learned to look at every project through the brand's eyes and heart, so as to create an image that perfectly represents it and a technically sructured packaging that is always up to the expectations”.

Art Director Anna Nacchia
